In many states, bow hunting season starts in August and goes all the way through the rest of the year. That gives a bow hunter a lot of time to hunt, but there are also lots of species that he may choose to pursue as well. Of all time throughout the late summer, fall, and early winter, early season bow hunting can be some of the most productive, as well as comfortable. Here we will discuss some early season bow hunting tips.
Whether you are bow hunting early season whitetail, mule deer, blacktail, or elk, early season gives you a good advantage over other seasons throughout the year.
Below is a list of early season bow hunting tips and tactics that will help you be more success full.
One of the main benefits you will have as an early season bow hunter is the fact that you will have plenty of time to pattern the bucks which should keep that pattern well into September. If you can figure out when and where they go on a daily basis, then you can intercept them by putting up some type of stand, either a tree stand or ground blind, and then wait for them to come by.
When scouting for early season bow hunting, there are several good methods to use.
Patterning Bucks
Throughout the summer season, deer and elk are mainly focused on feeding. They are not worried about male dominance or breeding does. This means deer will have set paths they are taking to and from their bedding, feeding and watering areas. All three areas are equally important and can be utilized for success while early season bow hunting.
A stand can be placed to take advantage of any of these three target areas. While placing the stand directly at water or feeding area can be very effective, one early season bow hunting tip is to not put a stand at a bedding area, but rather on a main trail to and from the bedding area. The last thing you want to do is disrupt a buck's bedding area regardless of what season it is as this could drastically change the buck's pattern or make him leave the area to another spot he feels more secure.
Spot and Stalk Hunting
Another method that can be very effective for early season bow hunting is spot and stalk. Though this is a preferred method typically used for mule deer, it can also be used successfully for whitetail and elk.
During the early bow hunting season, deer will occasionally bed down in the open where they are visible from far away. Even big, mature whitetail will do this, and they happen to be the easiest to spot. Standing crops and CRP (tall grass) is a great place to look as the deer will bed down right in them due to the fact it keeps them nice and cool.
An early season bow hunting tip is to glass these areas and look for a rack protruding out of the vegetation. Once found, this creates an ideal situation to put on a spot and stalk if the conditions are right. In this case, wind is your best friend. If you play it right, the wind will carry your scent away from the deer and will also cover up any noise you make. It is best to approach the deer from behind, but sometimes they are facing the wrong direction. The main thing is to keep the wind blowing your scent away from the deer. It is possible to approach the deer head on if this is your only option, but will require a lot of belly crawling.
Once you get to within range of your target buck, it is best to wait until the deer stands up on its own. Then you will be able to take a shot with your bow on a relaxed deer. If the wind begins to swirl and you are scared you may get winded soon, then it may be necessary to coax the deer to his feet. You can do this be making grunt sounds, or if there is a rock around, you can throw it to get the deer focused on a different location other than yours own.
Another good scenario for early season bow hunting, especially with mule deer, is when a buck beds down below a cliff in the shade. In this case it is possible to sneak right over the top of the buck without them ever knowing you are there. Again, it is best to be patient and wait for them to stand on their own, but aggressive action may be taken if the situation warrants it.
An early season bow hunting tip for spot and stalk hunting is to wait to stock until the conditions are right. This means usually waiting for the wind to pick up and get steady, or change direction all together. Light winds do not do much to cover up noise and they typically blow in variable directions. As the day warms up, the wind will typically increase. That is why it is best to just watch the deer and wait for conditions to improve
Scent Control:
One benefit of early season bow hunting is the mild temperatures. The downfall is it can get hot. Even when temperatures are normal, in the early season it is very easy to sweat, and sweat stinks more to the nose of a deer or elk.
There are ways to minimize your scent even in warm temperatures, which brings us to another early season bow hunting tip. Bow hunting means getting close to your prey undetected. Due to the fact that you cannot stop you body from perspiring, it is extremely beneficial to wear scent prevention clothing. Of course most scent prevention clothing is very warm due to the nature of the clothing. Lucky for us early season bow hunter, there is some scent prevention gear for warm weather. We will talk more about it in the following section about equipment.
If you elect not to purchase early season bow hunting clothing, you at least need to have camo that blends you into the surroundings, which we talk more about next as well. But even more important than camo is the fact that you need to play the wind regardless of the gear you wear. As long as you keep you scent blowing away from the animal, you will be fine. One scent molecule reaches their nose though, and the deer will typically go from lying down to up and running before you can even draw back. Scent has undoubtedly spoiled more stalks and stands than any other factor.
Early Season Bow Hunting Equipment
Do to the fact that early season bow hunting tactics are different than the rest of the year, there are a number of items that you will need that you may not have for other bow hunting seasons. Below you will find a list of items you will want to make sure to have in order to better your chances at a succeffull earl season bow hunt.
The Best Early Season Bow Hunting Tip:
When you are early season bow hunting, in many cases you are out there hunting before most hunters have even bought their tags. That is why the best early season bow hunting tip and tactic I can give you is to just get out there and do it. Aside from the fact that I think this is the best time of year to be out there to score on a big buck or bull, I am usually ready to just get out of town and see some big antlers.